The Transportation Engineering and Design Activities is a free online curriculum booklet with three activities for 5th to 12th-grade students. The activities introduce three transportation topics not currently found in existing curriculum materials developed by other organizations. All activities help educators meet NGSS Engineering Design standards for middle and high school students.
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The three activities in this booklet include:
- Design Streets for Everyone – Students learn what a Complete Street is and evaluate how well an existing street meets the needs of different users. Students then re-design a street they are familiar with by incorporating Complete Street design features.
- Curb Design: Create an Enjoyable Downtown – Students learn what the “curb space” is and learn about six different functions that this space can play in creating a livable downtown. Students then create a curb management plan including a design, a revenue plan, and a marketing plan. Students evaluate each other’s plans.
- Design an App for Safer School Zones – Students learn how apps determine a person’s location and why school zones are important for the safety of students. Students then design a paper prototype of an app and evaluate each other’s app designs. Students consider issues around creating accessible apps and how to design apps that do not increase distracted driving.