

To learn more, click on “Brief” for each product.

Product DescriptionUsersProduct BriefProject
Framework and web-based interface for collecting Google Location History (GLH) data The interface allows participants to securely share their data.Researchers and Practitioners who need detailed trip location dataBriefA
Method to Predict Driver Diversion Rates The new method predicts the diversion rates under various traffic and incident conditions using data commonly available to traffic management agencies.Traffic management agencies; driversBrief A
Simulation extension with CAV functionality for VISSIMThe extension evaluates how CAVs may impact traffic management and emissions when operating alongside conventional vehicles. CAV research community, State DOTs, FHWABrief D
Questionnaire on Transportation User BehaviorsQuestionnaire looks at transportation users travel behaviors in markets where ride-hailing services have taken off in terms of use and coverage in the recent years.Transportation researchers, analysts, and plannersBriefB
Framework and Methods to use CV data for estimating performance measurements.1. Framework to estimate mobility, reliability, and environmental metrics
2. Methods to estimate new mobility and safety metrics
3. Method to estimate pollutant emission.
transportation system management and operations (TSM&O) programs; Traffic management centers (TMCs); planning organizations; transportation system decision makersBrief C
Microsimulation Models of Continuous Flow Intersection (CFI) designs 24 scenarios were developed representing different geometries and pedestrian-bicycle crossing scenarios. The microsimulations can be run in VISSIM.Engineers; Pedestrians and bicyclists
Brief F
Cluster Analysis of Transit AgenciesCluster analysis shows which transit agencies can be grouped as peers based on factors that influence transit ridership.Transit agenciesBriefG
Taxonomy of Shared Mobility Options for HealthcareTaxonomy describes shared mobility options for accessing healthcare. Transit agencies, ridehailing companies, paratransit providers, health care providers, insurers Brief G
Small Urban & Rural Area Congestion Mitigation ToolkitA web-based repository provides resources on strategies to reduce congestion in small urban and rural areas.Professionals in agencies in areas with population of 50,000 and below that face congestion problems.Brief H
Freeway Time-Dependent Incident Capacity ModelModel provides a more accurate estimate of how incidents, such as accidents, impact congestion on freeways. State DOTs, MPOs, Cities and municipalities, researchers, FHWA Operations GroupBrief I
Improvements to traffic simulation models of freeway work zonesUsing field data, parameters that reflected traffic in rural freeway work zones were defined for the VISSIM model.Transportation agencies planning and designing work zones on freeways, Traffic simulation modelersBrief J
Accessibility MethodologyMethod shows how easy or hard it is for low-income populations to access transit and access employment by transit from different locations (city center, suburban, rural).Regional and local transit agencies, transportation planners, low-income populationsBrief A2
Ridership ModelModel shows how increasing or decreasing the number of bus trips on a route may affect the number of passengers. It also shows the difference in demographics among neighborhoods where transit ridership is declining the most.Regional and local transit agenciesBrief A2
Geospatial ModelModel identifies gaps in transportation services for transportation disadvantaged (TD) populations.Transit agencies, Transportation Network Companies (TNCs)Brief A2
Preliminary Headway Table for Traffic Simulation SoftwareNaturalistic Driving Study (NDS) work zone data was reused to develop new (or update existing) capacity and traffic flow models for work.zones.State DOTs and local transportation agenciesBriefB2
City-level summary of off-street freight
loading zone requirements
Benchmarks provide information on freight loading zone
practices in other communities
Land use planners, Local and state transportation planners, Local businessesBrief C2
Autonomous Vehicle User Perception Survey (AVUPS)Survey assesses participants’ intentions to use AV technology based on their perceptions of safety, trust, perceived usefulness, control/driving efficacy, and external variables. Engineers, city planners, policy makers; Healthcare professionals; AV industry
Brief D2
Autonomous Simulation ScenarioThe simulation provides an experience of riding in an autonomous vehicle comparable to a real-life experience. Engineers, city planners, policy makers; Healthcare professionals; AV industryBrief D2
Travel Behavior QuestionnaireThe questionnaire evaluates travel behavior among different population cohorts.Regional transit authorities, Transportation professionals, ResearchersBrief E2
Data-driven Approach for First/Last Mile GapsApproach reveals when and where service gaps occur that would benefit from new transit stations or micro-transit hubs.Transit agencies, planners, Transportation Network Companies (TNCs)Brief F2
Transit User Demand Models for First/Last Mile TripsModels show what factors influence individual’s use of TNC’s (ridesharing) in the first and last mile of travel.Transit agencies, planners, Transportation Network Companies (TNCs)Brief F2
AI-based work zone traffic and driver behavior information extraction systemAn AI-based system for extracting real-world data from traffic cameras that can improve the accuracy of work zone simulations. Transportation agencies (counties and cities with limited resources)Brief G2
Drone Perching MechanismMechanism allows drones to land on vertical or horizontal steel surfaces. U.S. DOT, State DOTs, FHWABrief H2
Real-Time Vehicle Location ModelModel calculates the exact location of vehicles using images captured from cameras mounted on drones.U.S. DOT, State DOTs, FHWABrief H2
TNC Simulation Models The models evaluate the impact of TNCs on transit and automobile usageTransportation agencies, MPOs, Transit authorities, TNC providers, planners, researchers
Brief I2
Method for Extracting High Resolution Video DataA method to use unmanned aircraft system (UAS), or drone, to collect video 400 feet above the highway, capturing a length of up to 3,000 feet of roadway.ResearchersBrief K2
New Capacity Analysis Method for Ramp Weave Segments & Computational Engine to Exercise the MethodA new method for evaluating operations at freeway weaves that is simpler than the current HCM6 method, consistent across all freeway segment analyses, and adaptable to other types of weaves (B & C) and merge and diverge segments when recalibrated.State DOTs, consultants, researchers who use HCMBrief K2
Methods to Optimize Traffic Signal Timing1. Hybrid machine learning and fuzzy logic model for signal timing selection under non-recurrent conditions
2. Multi-objective optimization methods to select signal timing plans under congestion conditions.
State and local transportation agenciesBrief M2
Cooperative Bypassing AlgorithmAn algorithm to control the autonomous and connected vehicles in a mixed traffic environment. State DOTs and vehicle industryBrief O2
Mixed Corridor Capacity MethodologyA methodology to determine the reaction time of autonomous vehicles and the penetration rate of autonomous vehicles.State DOTs and vehicle industryBrief O2
Transportation Network Design Methodology A method to determine which roads should be built to ease congestion.City plannersBrief O2
Spatiotemporal Methodology to Compare Travel Characteristics for Low-Income and High-Income PopulationsA methodology to show how people in transportation disadvantaged households and residing in urban, suburban, and rural locations travel. Transportation disadvantaged households, Transit agencies, cities, MPOs, Departments of Transportation
Brief C3
Web Mapping Tool The tool calculates delay time and the relative costs of delays school and public transit buses experience due to congestion. Transit Agencies, School Districts, Municipalities, Regional Planners
Brief E3
Methods to Identify and Mitigate Congestion OnsetThree tools for identifying when incidents or congestion occurs on freeways and arterials.System managers, driversBrief J3
Automatic Safety Diagnosis System for the Connected-vehicle Environment (ASDSCE) A warning system, designed for connected vehicles, alerts drivers of potential collisions and remains operational even if the car's sensors are not working properly.Departments of Transportation, Automotive industry
Brief F4
Planning for Urban Freight: Putting it into PracticeThis infographic summarizes key challenges related to small package delivery. Planners, freight industry, managers of curb spaceInfographic J6
South Carolina Bicycle and Pedestrian ClearinghouseThe online clearinghouse is a comprehensive resource on multimodal solutions in SC. SC transportation and planning agencies, advocacy groups, general publicBrief