Research Projects

Research Projects

Project IDProject TitlePIUniversityStatus
AImpact of Smartphone Applications on Trip Routing & Congestion ManagementDr. Angshuman Guin, GaTechGaTech, FIU, JSUCompleted
BTechnology Influence on Travel Demand & BehaviorsDr. Virginia Sisiopiku, UABUAB, UNC Chapel Hill, UF, FIUCompleted
CPerformance Measurement & Management Using Connected & Automated Vehicle DataDr. Mohammed Hadi, FIUFIU, UAB, UFCompleted
DEvaluation of Advanced Vehicle and Communication Technologies through Traffic MicrosimulationDr. Lily Elefteriadou, UFUF, GaTechCompleted
EThe Challenges of Predicting Travel Behavior on Estimating Trip Generation: Local Traffic Impact Assessment in Four Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic StatesDr. Ruth Steiner, UFUF, UNC Chapel HillCompleted
FIntegrated Implementation of Innovative Intersection DesignsDr. Nagui Rouphail, NCSUNCSU, CitadelCompleted
GTransit in the Era of Shared MobilityDr. Kari Watkins, GaTechGaTech, NCSU, UF, UNC Chapel HillCompleted
HStrategies for Mitigating Congestion in Small Urban & Rural AreasDr. Dimitra Michalaka, CitadelCitadel, TTU, UF, GaTechCompleted
IFreeway Management for Optimal ReliabilityDr. Yafeng Yin, UMUM, NCSU, GaTech, AUCompleted
JWork Zone Planning, Design, & OperationsDr. Rod Turochy, AUAU, UAB, NCSU, GaTechCompleted
A2Changing Access to Public Transportation & the Potential for Increased TravelDr. Kari Watkins, GaTechGaTech, UNC Chapel Hill, NCSU, UFCompleted
B2Evaluation of Work Zone Mobility by Utilizing Naturalistic Driving Study DataDr. Huaguo Hugo Zhou, AUAUCompleted
C2Urban Freight & PlanningDr. Noreen McDonald, UNC Chapel HillUNC Chapel Hill, UFCompleted
D2UF & UAB's Phase I Demonstration Study: Older Driver Experiences with Autonomous Vehicle TechnologyDr. Sherrilene Classen, UFUF, UABCompleted
E2Establishing a Dual Generational Modality Dataset: Comparing the Riding-Sharing Adoption Trends & Perspectives of Consumers of From Two Generational Cohorts, Millennials & Gen X'ersDr. Abhinav Alakshendra, UFUF, UNC Chapel HillCompleted
F2Discovering Potential Market for the Integration of Public Transportation & Emerging Shared-Mobility ServicesDr. Lili Du, UFUF, FIUCompleted
G2Quantitatively Evaluate Work Zone Driver Behavior Using 2D Imaging, 3D LiDAR, & Artificial Intelligence in Support of Congestion Mitigation Model Calibration & ValidationDr. Yichang (James) Tsai, GaTechGaTech, AUCompleted
H2Fly-By Image Processing for Real Time Congestion MitigationDr. Nasim Uddin, UABUAB, NCSUCompleted
I2Mitigating Network Congestion by Integrating Transportation Network Companies & Urban TransitDr. Virginia Sisiopiku, UABUAB, FIUCompleted
J2Real-Time Data-Based Decision Support System for Arterial Traffic ManagementDr. Mohammed Hadi, FIUFIU, UFCompleted
K2Assessing and Addressing Deficiencies in the HCM Weaving Segment AnalysesDr. Nagui Rouphail, NCSUNCSU, UFCompleted
L2Understanding Relationships between the Built Environment, Physical Activity, Public Health, Urban Mobility, and Traffic Congestion: Graduate Curriculum DevelopmentDr. Dimitra Michalaka, CitadelCitadelCompleted
M2Comparing and Combining Existing and Emerging Data Collection and Modeling Strategies in Support of Signal Control Optimization and ManagementDr. Mohammed Hadi, FIUFIU, UABCompleted
N2Data Fusion for Signalized Arterial Performance MeasurementDr. Shoaib Samandar, NCSUNCSUCompleted
O2Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram Approach to Traffic Flow with Autonomous/Connected VehiclesDr. Robert Whalin, JSUJSUCompleted
P2Development of Guidance for Scheduling of Freeway Work Zones to Minimize Congestion ImpactsDr. Rod Turochy, AUAU, UABCompleted (waiting for Zenodo Data Repository upload)
Q2Enabling the Shared Transportation RevolutionDr. Kari Watkins, GaTechGaTechCompleted
A3UF & UAB’s Phase 2 Demonstration Study: Developing a Model to Support Transportation System Decisions considering the Experiences of Drivers of all Age Groups with Autonomous Vehicle TechnologyDr. Sherrilene Classen, UFUF, UABCompleted
B3Micro-Mobility as a Solution to Reduce Urban Traffic CongestionDr. Xilei Zhao, UFUF, UABCompleted
C3Emerging Mobility Services for the Transportation DisadvantagedDr. Eleni Bardaka, NCSUNCSU, AU, UF, FIU, UNCCompleted
D3Evaluating Detours for a Major Construction Project in the Era of Real-Time Route GuidanceDr. Andrew Sullivan, UABUABCompleted
E3Locating and Costing Congestion for School Buses and Public TransportationDr. Kai Monast, NCSUNCSU, UFCompleted
F3Evaluation of Operation, Transportation Network Infrastructure, Safety, and Travel Mode Coordination of Electric-Powered Pedal-Assist Bike Share SystemsDr. Jeff Davis, CitadelCitadel, GaTechCompleted
G3Utilization of Connected and Automated Vehicles in Support of Transportation Agencies’ Decision MakingDr. Mohammed Hadi, FIUFIU, UF, UAB. GaTech, NCSUCompleted
H3Smartphone-Based Incentive Framework for Dynamic Network-Level Traffic Congestion ManagementDr. Srinivas Peeta, GaTech & Dr. LiLi Du, UFGaTech, UFCompleted
I3Evaluation of Work Zone Mobility by Utilizing Naturalistic Driving Study Data, Phase IIDr. Huaguo Hugo Zhou, AuburnAUCompleted
J3Identifying and Mitigating Congestion OnsetDr. George List and Dr. Billy Williams, NCSUNCSU, GaTech, FIUCompleted
K3Traffic Congestion Identification and Prediction based on Image Processing and Deep Learning MethodsDr. Robert Whalin, JSUJSUCompleted
A4Identification of Non-recurring Congestion and Mitigating StrategiesThomas Chase
Auburn, GT, NCSU, GT, UABCompleted
B4Integrated Corridor Management: Cooperative Signal Control with Freeway Operations and Ramp MeteringDr. Ali Hajbabai
FIU, NCSU, UFCompleted
C4A Framework for the Development of a Diverse Transportation Workforce in the Southeast RegionDr. Ruth Steiner, UF

FIU, NCSU, TnTech, Citadel, UAB Completed
D4Mobility-on-Demand Transit for Smart, Sustainable CitiesDr. Xilei Zhao, UFAuburn, FIU, Ford Motor Company, UAB, UF, UNCCompleted
E4Innovative Intersection and Interchange Designs and their Use Across the SoutheastDr. Angshuman Guin GaTechAuburn, GaTech, NCSUCompleted
F4Automatic Safety Diagnosis in Connected Vehicle EnvironmentDr. Shuang Z. Tu, JSU

A5Barriers & Facilitators of People with Disabilities in Accepting & Adopting Autonomous Shared Mobility ServicesDr. Sherrilene Classen, UFDr. Virginia Sisiopiku, UAB; Dr. Justin Mason, UF; Dr. Nicole Stetten, UFCompleted
D5Overcoming Barriers to Freight and Logistics Firm Collaboration with Urban Planning Dr. Noreen McDonald, UNCCompleted
E5Transportation Workforce Development for State DOTs to Address Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (Southeast Region)Dr. Mehri MohebbiDr. Virginia Sisiopiku, UAB; Dr. Dimitra Michalaka, The Citadel; Dr. Kweku Brown, The CitadelCompleted
F5 Transportation Workforce Development Related to Traffic Signal Systems – Phase IIDr. Nithin AgarwalDr. Dimitra Michalaka, The Citadel; Dr. Steven Click, TTU, Dr. Kweku Brown, The Citadel; Dr. Jeff Davis, The CitadelCompleted
G5Engineering Careers of Graduates From A Unique Summer Bridge ProgramDr. Robert Whalin, JSUCompleted
H5 (Phase II of Project J3)Identifying and Mitigating Congestion Onset (Phase II of Project J3)Dr. George ListDr. Billy Williams, NCSU; Dr. Michael Hunter, GaTech; Dr. Mohammed Hadi, FIUCompleted
I5Evaluation of Advanced Vehicle & Communication Technologies through Traffic MicrosimulationDr. Pruthvi Manjunatha, UFDr. Lily Elefteriadou, UF; Dr. Michael Hunter, GaTech; Dr. Huaguo Zhou, Auburn; Dr. Shirin Noei, TTU; Dr. Angshuman Guin, GaTech; Abhilasha Saroj, GaTechCompleted
J5Assessing & Addressing Deficiencies in the HCM Weaving Segment Analyses, Part IIDr. Nagui Rouphail, NCSUDr. Lily Elefteriadou, UFCompleted
K5A Better Understanding of Shopping Travel in the U.S.Dr. Matthew ConwayCompleted
A6Demand for Travel and Equity Assessment of Emerging Mobility Services for Transportation Disadvantaged PopulationsDr. Eleni Bardaka, UNC Chapel HillDr. Noreen McDonald, UNC; Dr. Xia Jin, FIU; Dr. Jeffrey LaMondia, AuburnCompleted
B6Optimal Charging Station Planning to Adapt Mass Adoption of Electric Vehicles under Both Normal and Evacuation Scenarios Dr. Lili Du, UFDr. Xia Jin, FIUCompleted
D6 A Centralized Repository on Workforce Development in the Southeast Dr. Ruth Steiner Dr. Steven Click, TTUCompleted
E6State DOT Policies Affecting Adaptive Street Use: Learning from COVID19 ExperiencesDr. Tabitha CombsDr. Leta Huntsinger, NCSU/ITRECompleted
F6Simulating a Shift to E-Delivery: Impacts on VMT D. Matthew Bhagat-ConwayCompleted
G6Evaluating Signal Timing Planning Options in Terms of Coordination between Successive Signals at Continuous Flow Intersections, Phase II Chris Cunningham, MSCE, P.E.Dr. Ishtiak Ahmed, NCSU/ITRECompleted
H6Utilization of Connectivity and Automation in Support of Transportation Agencies’ Decision Making, Phase 2Dr. Mohammed Hadi, FIUDr. Lily Elefteriadou, UF; Angshuman Guin, GaTech; Dr. Shoaib Samandar, NCSU/ITREWaiting for Final Report
I6Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram Estimation using Loop Detector DataDr. Jorge Laval, GaTechCompleted
J6 Implementation Project: Planning for Urban FreightDr. Noreen McDonald, UNC Chapel HillCompleted
K6 ‎Promoting Transportation Equity (TE) through Curriculum InterventionDr. Mehri Mohebbi, UFDr. Virginia Sisiopiku, UAB; Dr. Dimitra Michalaka, The CitadelCompleted
L6 Locating and Costing Congestion for School Buses and Public Transportation, Phase IIKai Monast, NCSU/ITREDr. Ruth Steiner, UFCompleted
M6Analysis of Impacts of Pavement Quality
Deterioration on Recurring Traffic Congestion
Dr. Mohammed Sherif, UABDr. Virginia Sisiopiku, UABCompleted (Note: Report will be embargoed to 2025; waiting for Tech Transfer Report & Zenodo Data Repository upload)
O6Real-time Safety Diagnosis System for Connected Vehicles Using Parallel ComputingDr. Shuang Tu, JSUDr. Robert Whalin, JSUCompleted
P6Equitable AI in TransportationDr. Jacob Yan, UFDr. Xilei Zhao, UF; Dr. Mike Hunter, GaTech; Dr. Philip Omunga, Savannah State UniversityCompleted
R6 WKFSTRIDE K-12 Curriculum on Transportation Planning and
Dr. Dimitra Michalaka, The CitadelCompleted