A | Impact of Smartphone Applications on Trip Routing & Congestion Management | Dr. Angshuman Guin, GaTech | GaTech, FIU, JSU | Completed |
B | Technology Influence on Travel Demand & Behaviors | Dr. Virginia Sisiopiku, UAB | UAB, UNC Chapel Hill, UF, FIU | Completed |
C | Performance Measurement & Management Using Connected & Automated Vehicle Data | Dr. Mohammed Hadi, FIU | FIU, UAB, UF | Completed |
D | Evaluation of Advanced Vehicle and Communication Technologies through Traffic Microsimulation | Dr. Lily Elefteriadou, UF | UF, GaTech | Completed |
E | The Challenges of Predicting Travel Behavior on Estimating Trip Generation: Local Traffic Impact Assessment in Four Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic States | Dr. Ruth Steiner, UF | UF, UNC Chapel Hill | Completed |
F | Integrated Implementation of Innovative Intersection Designs | Dr. Nagui Rouphail, NCSU | NCSU, Citadel | Completed |
G | Transit in the Era of Shared Mobility | Dr. Kari Watkins, GaTech | GaTech, NCSU, UF, UNC Chapel Hill | Completed |
H | Strategies for Mitigating Congestion in Small Urban & Rural Areas | Dr. Dimitra Michalaka, Citadel | Citadel, TTU, UF, GaTech | Completed |
I | Freeway Management for Optimal Reliability | Dr. Yafeng Yin, UM | UM, NCSU, GaTech, AU | Completed |
J | Work Zone Planning, Design, & Operations | Dr. Rod Turochy, AU | AU, UAB, NCSU, GaTech | Completed |
A2 | Changing Access to Public Transportation & the Potential for Increased Travel | Dr. Kari Watkins, GaTech | GaTech, UNC Chapel Hill, NCSU, UF | Completed |
B2 | Evaluation of Work Zone Mobility by Utilizing Naturalistic Driving Study Data | Dr. Huaguo Hugo Zhou, AU | AU | Completed |
C2 | Urban Freight & Planning | Dr. Noreen McDonald, UNC Chapel Hill | UNC Chapel Hill, UF | Completed |
D2 | UF & UAB's Phase I Demonstration Study: Older Driver Experiences with Autonomous Vehicle Technology | Dr. Sherrilene Classen, UF | UF, UAB | Completed |
E2 | Establishing a Dual Generational Modality Dataset: Comparing the Riding-Sharing Adoption Trends & Perspectives of Consumers of From Two Generational Cohorts, Millennials & Gen X'ers | Dr. Abhinav Alakshendra, UF | UF, UNC Chapel Hill | Completed |
F2 | Discovering Potential Market for the Integration of Public Transportation & Emerging Shared-Mobility Services | Dr. Lili Du, UF | UF, FIU | Completed |
G2 | Quantitatively Evaluate Work Zone Driver Behavior Using 2D Imaging, 3D LiDAR, & Artificial Intelligence in Support of Congestion Mitigation Model Calibration & Validation | Dr. Yichang (James) Tsai, GaTech | GaTech, AU | Completed |
H2 | Fly-By Image Processing for Real Time Congestion Mitigation | Dr. Nasim Uddin, UAB | UAB, NCSU | Completed |
I2 | Mitigating Network Congestion by Integrating Transportation Network Companies & Urban Transit | Dr. Virginia Sisiopiku, UAB | UAB, FIU | Completed |
J2 | Real-Time Data-Based Decision Support System for Arterial Traffic Management | Dr. Mohammed Hadi, FIU | FIU, UF | Completed |
K2 | Assessing and Addressing Deficiencies in the HCM Weaving Segment Analyses | Dr. Nagui Rouphail, NCSU | NCSU, UF | Completed |
L2 | Understanding Relationships between the Built Environment, Physical Activity, Public Health, Urban Mobility, and Traffic Congestion: Graduate Curriculum Development | Dr. Dimitra Michalaka, Citadel | Citadel | Completed |
M2 | Comparing and Combining Existing and Emerging Data Collection and Modeling Strategies in Support of Signal Control Optimization and Management | Dr. Mohammed Hadi, FIU | FIU, UAB | Completed |
N2 | Data Fusion for Signalized Arterial Performance Measurement | Dr. Shoaib Samandar, NCSU | NCSU | Completed |
O2 | Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram Approach to Traffic Flow with Autonomous/Connected Vehicles | Dr. Robert Whalin, JSU | JSU | Completed |
P2 | Development of Guidance for Scheduling of Freeway Work Zones to Minimize Congestion Impacts | Dr. Rod Turochy, AU | AU, UAB | Completed (waiting for Zenodo Data Repository upload) |
Q2 | Enabling the Shared Transportation Revolution | Dr. Kari Watkins, GaTech | GaTech | Completed |
A3 | UF & UAB’s Phase 2 Demonstration Study: Developing a Model to Support Transportation System Decisions considering the Experiences of Drivers of all Age Groups with Autonomous Vehicle Technology | Dr. Sherrilene Classen, UF | UF, UAB | Completed |
B3 | Micro-Mobility as a Solution to Reduce Urban Traffic Congestion | Dr. Xilei Zhao, UF | UF, UAB | Completed |
C3 | Emerging Mobility Services for the Transportation Disadvantaged | Dr. Eleni Bardaka, NCSU | NCSU, AU, UF, FIU, UNC | Completed |
D3 | Evaluating Detours for a Major Construction Project in the Era of Real-Time Route Guidance | Dr. Andrew Sullivan, UAB | UAB | Completed |
E3 | Locating and Costing Congestion for School Buses and Public Transportation | Dr. Kai Monast, NCSU | NCSU, UF | Completed |
F3 | Evaluation of Operation, Transportation Network Infrastructure, Safety, and Travel Mode Coordination of Electric-Powered Pedal-Assist Bike Share Systems | Dr. Jeff Davis, Citadel | Citadel, GaTech | Completed |
G3 | Utilization of Connected and Automated Vehicles in Support of Transportation Agencies’ Decision Making | Dr. Mohammed Hadi, FIU | FIU, UF, UAB. GaTech, NCSU | Completed |
H3 | Smartphone-Based Incentive Framework for Dynamic Network-Level Traffic Congestion Management | Dr. Srinivas Peeta, GaTech & Dr. LiLi Du, UF | GaTech, UF | Completed |
I3 | Evaluation of Work Zone Mobility by Utilizing Naturalistic Driving Study Data, Phase II | Dr. Huaguo Hugo Zhou, Auburn | AU | Completed |
J3 | Identifying and Mitigating Congestion Onset | Dr. George List and Dr. Billy Williams, NCSU | NCSU, GaTech, FIU | Completed |
K3 | Traffic Congestion Identification and Prediction based on Image Processing and Deep Learning Methods | Dr. Robert Whalin, JSU | JSU | Completed |
A4 | Identification of Non-recurring Congestion and Mitigating Strategies | Thomas Chase
NCSU | Auburn, GT, NCSU, GT, UAB | Completed |
B4 | Integrated Corridor Management: Cooperative Signal Control with Freeway Operations and Ramp Metering | Dr. Ali Hajbabai
NCSU | FIU, NCSU, UF | Completed |
C4 | A Framework for the Development of a Diverse Transportation Workforce in the Southeast Region | Dr. Ruth Steiner, UF
| FIU, NCSU, TnTech, Citadel, UAB | Completed |
D4 | Mobility-on-Demand Transit for Smart, Sustainable Cities | Dr. Xilei Zhao, UF | Auburn, FIU, Ford Motor Company, UAB, UF, UNC | Completed |
E4 | Innovative Intersection and Interchange Designs and their Use Across the Southeast | Dr. Angshuman Guin GaTech | Auburn, GaTech, NCSU | Completed |
F4 | Automatic Safety Diagnosis in Connected Vehicle Environment | Dr. Shuang Z. Tu, JSU
| JSU | Completed |
A5 | Barriers & Facilitators of People with Disabilities in Accepting & Adopting Autonomous Shared Mobility Services | Dr. Sherrilene Classen, UF | Dr. Virginia Sisiopiku, UAB; Dr. Justin Mason, UF; Dr. Nicole Stetten, UF | Completed |
D5 | Overcoming Barriers to Freight and Logistics Firm Collaboration with Urban Planning | Dr. Noreen McDonald, UNC | | Completed |
E5 | Transportation Workforce Development for State DOTs to Address Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (Southeast Region) | Dr. Mehri Mohebbi | Dr. Virginia Sisiopiku, UAB; Dr. Dimitra Michalaka, The Citadel; Dr. Kweku Brown, The Citadel | Completed |
F5 | Transportation Workforce Development Related to Traffic Signal Systems – Phase II | Dr. Nithin Agarwal | Dr. Dimitra Michalaka, The Citadel; Dr. Steven Click, TTU, Dr. Kweku Brown, The Citadel; Dr. Jeff Davis, The Citadel | Completed |
G5 | Engineering Careers of Graduates From A Unique Summer Bridge Program | Dr. Robert Whalin, JSU | | Completed |
H5 (Phase II of Project J3) | Identifying and Mitigating Congestion Onset (Phase II of Project J3) | Dr. George List | Dr. Billy Williams, NCSU; Dr. Michael Hunter, GaTech; Dr. Mohammed Hadi, FIU | Completed |
I5 | Evaluation of Advanced Vehicle & Communication Technologies through Traffic Microsimulation | Dr. Pruthvi Manjunatha, UF | Dr. Lily Elefteriadou, UF; Dr. Michael Hunter, GaTech; Dr. Huaguo Zhou, Auburn; Dr. Shirin Noei, TTU; Dr. Angshuman Guin, GaTech; Abhilasha Saroj, GaTech | Completed |
J5 | Assessing & Addressing Deficiencies in the HCM Weaving Segment Analyses, Part II | Dr. Nagui Rouphail, NCSU | Dr. Lily Elefteriadou, UF | Completed |
K5 | A Better Understanding of Shopping Travel in the U.S. | Dr. Matthew Conway | | Completed |
A6 | Demand for Travel and Equity Assessment of Emerging Mobility Services for Transportation Disadvantaged Populations | Dr. Eleni Bardaka, UNC Chapel Hill | Dr. Noreen McDonald, UNC; Dr. Xia Jin, FIU; Dr. Jeffrey LaMondia, Auburn | Completed |
B6 | Optimal Charging Station Planning to Adapt Mass Adoption of Electric Vehicles under Both Normal and Evacuation Scenarios | Dr. Lili Du, UF | Dr. Xia Jin, FIU | Completed |
D6 | A Centralized Repository on Workforce Development in the Southeast | Dr. Ruth Steiner | Dr. Steven Click, TTU | Completed |
E6 | State DOT Policies Affecting Adaptive Street Use: Learning from COVID19 Experiences | Dr. Tabitha Combs | Dr. Leta Huntsinger, NCSU/ITRE | Completed |
F6 | Simulating a Shift to E-Delivery: Impacts on VMT | D. Matthew Bhagat-Conway | | Completed |
G6 | Evaluating Signal Timing Planning Options in Terms of Coordination between Successive Signals at Continuous Flow Intersections, Phase II | Chris Cunningham, MSCE, P.E. | Dr. Ishtiak Ahmed, NCSU/ITRE | Completed |
H6 | Utilization of Connectivity and Automation in Support of Transportation Agencies’ Decision Making, Phase 2 | Dr. Mohammed Hadi, FIU | Dr. Lily Elefteriadou, UF; Angshuman Guin, GaTech; Dr. Shoaib Samandar, NCSU/ITRE | Waiting for Final Report |
I6 | Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram Estimation using Loop Detector Data | Dr. Jorge Laval, GaTech | | Completed |
J6 | Implementation Project: Planning for Urban Freight | Dr. Noreen McDonald, UNC Chapel Hill | | Completed |
K6 | Promoting Transportation Equity (TE) through Curriculum Intervention | Dr. Mehri Mohebbi, UF | Dr. Virginia Sisiopiku, UAB; Dr. Dimitra Michalaka, The Citadel | Completed |
L6 | Locating and Costing Congestion for School Buses and Public Transportation, Phase II | Kai Monast, NCSU/ITRE | Dr. Ruth Steiner, UF | Completed |
M6 | Analysis of Impacts of Pavement Quality
Deterioration on Recurring Traffic Congestion | Dr. Mohammed Sherif, UAB | Dr. Virginia Sisiopiku, UAB | Completed (Note: Report will be embargoed to 2025; waiting for Tech Transfer Report & Zenodo Data Repository upload) |
O6 | Real-time Safety Diagnosis System for Connected Vehicles Using Parallel Computing | Dr. Shuang Tu, JSU | Dr. Robert Whalin, JSU | Completed |
P6 | Equitable AI in Transportation | Dr. Jacob Yan, UF | Dr. Xilei Zhao, UF; Dr. Mike Hunter, GaTech; Dr. Philip Omunga, Savannah State University | Completed |
R6 WKF | STRIDE K-12 Curriculum on Transportation Planning and
Technology | Dr. Dimitra Michalaka, The Citadel | | Completed |